
I haven't done too much these past few weeks, as I'm sure you can imagine. But I have a few interesting food related stories I thought I might share.

About 2 weeks ago I volunteered to teach 6th grade students about America. It was quite similar to my self introduction lesson that I would do back at the high schools in Kochi but this time, it was all in Japanese! I was excited.

Afterward, we all went outside and made Mochi. (Mochi is basically mashed rice. You roll it into a ball and can eat it as part of a meal or a dessert, depending on how you season it. It's a very traditional new years food.)

Here's a video of one of the teachers showing the 6th graders how to make it. Later, they all got to try it out themselves.

The next day I was cold and craving American food so I made Shepherds pie. (AMERICAN Shepherds pie has beef and not lamb [cottage pie in Europe] and usually has cheese :3)

It looks odd because I only added cheese to half the pie. My friend who wanted to try a bit said that he didn't think cheese went well with it. I proved him wrong in the end but it was good both without as well.

Also, I have started Japanese cooking class! This was my group from last week. We made Sukiyaki Kansai style. Sukiyaki is a great winter soup. Very sweet and savory. Kansai style has less broth (if any) and therefore has a much more concentrated flavor.

Lastly, this past Friday I volunteered to teach the elementary school PTA about America (again, in Japanese) only this time I thought I'd make it more interesting so I made S'mores in the microwave. They didn't go over as well as they usually do with my high school kids but it wasn't a complete failure either.

The front middle people are all Yamasa students. Taiwanese, Korean and American.

To see more pictures of everything, check out facebook!
They've been added to the original "Okazaki" folder so you may have to flip through a few old pictures. Enjoy!


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